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About Us

About Us

The Making Friends Social Skills Group is an instructional group focusing on social/pragmatic language skills and positive peer interactions. We are dedicated to providing quality intervention to enable your child to socially engage more successfully. The children who currently participate in our group range in diagnoses, with the predominant ones being ADHD and social pragmatic language disorder. The children in our group are engaging in their school curriculum at or above grade level and have grade level or advanced language skills. The commonality in need is the challenges with "reading" social cues, understanding the "hidden" social landscape, being flexible in interactions with others, using their advanced language skills to engage more meaningfully with peers, self-advocate, express emotions, and navigate conflict successfully.


We currently provide services for children from age 4 through 3rd grade. We are conveniently located off of the Fort Washington exchange of the PA Turnpike.

We run three, five-week sessions per year. All sessions are co-taught by an experienced and highly trained ASHA certified and PA licensed speech-language pathologists as well as a PA certified teacher. Children are divided into one of the following age groups: Pre-K-K, Early Elementary and Older Elementary.

Image by Sigmund

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is based on the concept that social skills are an essential part of life for all children as they grow and mature. 

We are dedicated to facilitating the growth of these skills by using a highly structured, small group approach that encompasses direct systematic teaching of essential skills, use of related literature, role play scenarios, interactive peer play, cooperative group projects, and team building exercises within a fun and safe environment to facilitate social success at home, in school and in the community.
We have developed a curriculum based on our experiences and expertise in the field of speech-language pathology and have also incorporated a variety of approaches from some of the leading professionals in the area of social skills/emotion regulation including Michelle Garcia Winner, Carol Gray, Jill Kuzma, Jed Baker, Julia Cook and others. We value each child and take into account their unique learning styles to best meet their social needs and help them reach their full potential.
“Making Friends” social group provides weekly letters outlining what was covered each week and a mid-session parent training town hall to review targeted concepts. We feel it is important to provide parents with key words and phrases necessary for carryover and generalization to other environments. Additionally, we incorporate the use of technology such as video modeling and interactive applications to illustrate targeted skills. A 
20-minute individual conference and a written summary report are provided at the end of the five weeks as part of your session payment. 

Our Philosophy

Meet The Team

Meet the team
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Jaclyn Tasker 

Jaclyn Tasker is a Pennsylvania licensed and American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association (ASHA) certified speech-language pathologist with a passion for working with
children, especially those with fluency and social communication disorders. Jaclyn graduated
from West Chester University of Pennsylvania in 2019 majoring in Communication Sciences and
Disorders with a minor in Autism Education and Salus University in 2021 majoring in Speech-
Language Pathology. Since then, Jaclyn has worked in local school districts with children
ranging from kindergarten through high school with a variety of speech and language difficulties.
Jaclyn is currently a speech-language pathologist for a local suburban school district.


Jill O'Hara

Administrative Assistant  

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